Toast is Preferred

I absolutely adore buttered toast, at any time of the day. It has a satisfying, mouth watering flavor and aroma. I did some research and found out about the Maillard Reaction. A French chemist named Maillard first explained this delicious, toasted flavor back in 1912. My fabulous toast is a reaction between amino acids (main elements of proteins) and sugars seared together in quick, hot temperatures. This brought a spiritual parallel to mind.

God explains to us many times that He puts all of His souls through hot temperatures to destroy dross, which is scum, impurity, something that is inferior (Isaiah 1:24, 25; Ezekiel 22:18); to burn out weaknesses (1 Corinthians 3:11-15); and to make us sweet smelling aromas (Ephesians 5:2; Philippians 4:18; James 1:2-4).

Everyone on earth goes through quick, hot temperatures in this life (problems, trials, tragedies). If we have been gathering spiritual proteins and spiritual sweetness, then when we endure quick, hot temperatures, we’ll pop up as marvelously delicious saints each time; behaving as souls that are desirable to be around. (Luke 2:51, 52; Acts 2:37-47). If we have NOT collected spiritual proteins and sugars, then the hot temperatures will just burn us out, reduce us to sludge or ashes. What’s great is, we can change that. If we have been “burned” and we didn’t come through it successfully, and we’re still breathing, then we can determine to start over, gathering spiritual proteins and sugars, latching onto them, ingesting them, and making them a part of our living, so that when the hot fires of troubles flame up around us again, we will become desirable to both God and mankind.